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HCL lighting solution with PI-LED technology in the Kantonsspital Luzern

Together with the Kantonsspital Luzern, Firalux has developed an HCL lamp for patient rooms. The technically challenging task was to bring both the “sun” and the “sky” into the interior using LED lighting.

An artificial horizon can be created with light through indirect lighting. The imitation of the course of daylight supports the patient’s circadian rhythm. Especially when they are forced to lie in bed, they need a kind of horizon for their unconscious orientation. A “heaven” gives enormous advantages here. Patients can also be effectively stimulated by certain colors (e.g. pastel tones) on the ceiling in recovery rooms after operations.

Further project information can be found here:

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ISO 14001

After the EcoVadis Gold Medal, the ISO 14001 certification is further proof of the environmentally conscious and sustainable business practices of the LUMITECH Group!


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