Optimized colour temperatures and precisely adjusted colour locations specially developed to direct the customer’s focus to what counts – the desire for the product.
Many supermarkets and store operators aim to illuminate food and goods perfectly in order to generate more sales and stand out from the competition. With the linear FoodLighting system, individually adapted dynamic color temperatures and product-specific color locations can be implemented for a variety of different product categories. Goods are illuminated in a rich and fresh way and every food product is presented in an authentic and appetizing way. Whether at promotion counters, in open or closed refrigerated cabinets, the linear FoodLighting luminaires blend in harmoniously everywhere and even make glass doors almost disappear. High energy efficiency and durability are guaranteed. Let us light up your products together.
Unser Energieersparnis-Rechner berechnet die Einsparungsmöglichkeiten dank LUMITECH LED-Lichtlösungen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Leuchtmitteln. Geben Sie einfach unten die relevanten technischen Details ein und überzeugen Sie sich selbst!